
Showing posts from September, 2019

"Social" Media

The term social media was coined in connection with the creation of new technology. These platforms, like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, were intended for people to be able to socially connect with one another across the country and even across the globe. And admittedly, they do sometimes serve that purpose. According to Merriam Webster's Dictionary, the term "social" has several meanings. These include "marked by or passed in pleasant companionship with friends and associates" and "tending to form cooperative and interdependent relationships with others" ( See Merriam Webster's Dictionary)  So tell is it that social media actually causes people to become less social? A series of scientific studies reveal what many of us already know. People actually feel less social and less connected when they spend more time on social media. ( See "Why Social Media Isn't Always Very Social" NPR).  If you really sit down and think abo

President vs. The Media

The First Amendment to the Constitution protects freedom of the press. This important right was meant to serve as a protector of democracy. Since the establishment of our government, the press has served as the people's "watchdog." It interviews and investigates in order to keep government and governmental officials honest. While the average citizen may not pay much attention to what is going on in Washington D.C., the press's eyes are always open, vigilantly watching the government's every move. They inform the public of what is going on both in front of and behind closed doors. Journalists have been named the "custodians of conscience,... looking for violations of the moral order … the norms concerning what’s right and wrong” ( See American Media: The Nations' Watchdog. ) This role of overseer has resulted in a contentious relationship between the press and the current president, Donald Trump. President Trump has virtually declared war on the news m

Social Media and Fake News

Fake's Donald Trump's war cry about circulating news stories that may (or may not) be true about him. And while it may have turned into a running joke to some people, it actually has turned into a major problem in our country. Just this past week, a lovely story about Marines rescuing babies from the Pentagon on 9/11 found its way onto my social media feeds. It was an inspiring and heartwarming story at a time of remembrance to the thousands of Americans who lost their lives on that tragic day. Unfortunately, it was fake . See Fact Check . The problem of fake news is exacerbated by the fact that approximately 6 out of 10 Americans get their news from social media. And the number appears to be growing, each and every day. That's right. Americans no longer rely on long-established forms of media who hire fact-checkers like television, radio, and newspapers as their sources for news stories.  See News Use Across Social Media Platforms . Social media has taken

Threats of Restructuring the Supreme Court

Our government was originally set up by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution with a series of checks and balances. Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. They also serve for a term of “good behavior” which means that they can serve for life or until they choose to resign. This process includes the participation of both the executive and legislative branches and serves to reduce any obligations on the part of the justices or concerns for re-election. It is a process that serves and protects justice, even if you happen to disagree with a particular decision that the Supreme Court may make.             Unfortunately, recently a number of high-profile Senate Democrats have started to threaten the Supreme Court with restructuring. They argue that the Court has become too influenced by politics.  See Senate Dems deliver stunning warning to Supreme Court: "Heal" or face restructuring . And according to a recent poll, it seems tha