Threats of Restructuring the Supreme Court

Our government was originally set up by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution with a series of checks and balances. Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. They also serve for a term of “good behavior” which means that they can serve for life or until they choose to resign. This process includes the participation of both the executive and legislative branches and serves to reduce any obligations on the part of the justices or concerns for re-election. It is a process that serves and protects justice, even if you happen to disagree with a particular decision that the Supreme Court may make.
            Unfortunately, recently a number of high-profile Senate Democrats have started to threaten the Supreme Court with restructuring. They argue that the Court has become too influenced by politics. See Senate Dems deliver stunning warning to Supreme Court: "Heal" or face restructuring. And according to a recent poll, it seems that a large number of Americans also believe that “the Supreme Court was motivated by politics more than by the law."See Quinnipiac University Poll  Perhaps these individuals don’t like it when things don’t go the way they think they should, or perhaps they are merely misinformed about how some of the justices have actually been voting. Yes, it is true that currently conservatives currently hold the majority over liberals 5-4 on the Supreme Court.  However, I would bet that many of these people do not realize that that President Trump’s two nominees, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, have actually recently sided with the liberal justices in certain cases. See Gorsuch sides with liberal bloc once more, in sex offender case In fact, throughout history, it is very common for Supreme Court justices to view cases in ways that may be the polar opposite to how their nominating President would want things to go. This takes us back to how the Supreme Court was set up in the first place. To be quite honest, I, too, side with these Democratic senators on the merits of the particular case pending before the Court. However, to me, the threats and the warnings of restructuring the Supreme Court sound like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum when he doesn’t get the toy he wants.


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